Illustration examples of "Animals," "Organic Environments," "Mixed Environments," Built Environments," and "Diagrams."
"C. bombycina" or 'Saharan Silver Ant' - Pitt Pen, Prismacolor Marker
Ants, City Science, EcoTarium
"Wood Turtle Identification- Top View" - Pitt Pen, Prismacolor Marker
Wood Turtle Enclosure, City Science, EcoTarium
"Wood Turtle Identification- Bottom View" - Pitt Pen, Prismacolor Marker
Wood Turtle Enclosure, City Science, EcoTarium
"Crepuscular-WhiteTail Deer" - Pitt Pen, Prismacolor Marker
What Comes Out At Night?, City Science, EcoTarium
"Nocturnal- Coyote" - Pitt Pen, Prismacolor Marker
What Comes Out At Night?, City Science, EcoTarium
"Mysticete 'Gulpers' " presentation illustration- Pitt Pen, Prismacolor Marker
"Page 07- Ichthyosaur Discovery" Mary Anning Interactive Graphic Novel- Pitt Pen, Prismacolor Marker, Staedtler Art Pen
Mary Anning, Women in Science, Self Determined Major Final Project
"Orange Sallow Moth" - Pitt Pen, Prismacolor Marker
EcoInvaders, City Science, EcoTarium
"Lobster" - Digital
Cladistics, Fungus Grant, EcoTarium
"Green Iguana" - Digital
Cladistics, Fungus Grant, EcoTarium
"Rat Cranial Capacity" - Pitt Pen, Prismacolor
Intelligent Rats, City Science, EcoTarium
"Yellow Foxglove" - Pitt Pen, Prismacolor Marker
EcoInvaders, City Science, EcoTarium
"New England Wetlands" - Pitt Pen, Prismacolor Marker
Disappearing Plants, City Science, EcoTarium
"Whitetail Deer Buck in Early Autumn Black Oak Savannah Post Burn" - Pitt Pen, Prismacolor Marker
"Vegetable Garden Symbol" - Pitt Pen, Prismacolor Marker
Magnetic Neighborhood, City Science, EcoTarium
"Flower Garden Symbol" - Pitt Pen, Prismacolor Marker
Magnetic Neighborhood, City Science, EcoTarium
"Mixed Use City Garden Beds" - Pitt Pen, Prismacolor Marker
Sidewalk Ecosystem, City Science, EcoTarium
"Water Culvert" - Pitt Pen, Prismacolor Marker
Disappearing Plants, City Science, EcoTarium
"Pocket Park" - Pitt Pen, Prismacolor Marker
Best Nest, City Science, EcoTarium
"Bridge Expansion Joint" - Pitt Pen, Prismacolor Marker
Wiggly Window, City Science, EcoTarium
"Intersection" - Pitt Pen, Prismacolor Marker
Director of Traffic, City Science, EcoTarium
"Shipping Container- Boat" - Pitt Pen, Prismacolor Marker
Train Tracking, City Science, EcoTarium
"Doublestack Flatbed Train Under Altered Bridge" - Pitt Pen, Prismacolor Marker
Train Tracking, City Science, EcoTarium
"Traffic Light- Cable Loop Inset Detail" - Pitt Pen, Prismacolor Marker
Traffic Light, City Science, EcoTarium
"Smog- LA Skyline" - Pitt Pen, Prismacolor Marker
How Clean is the Air?, City Science, EcoTarium
"Noisy Train by Apartments" - Pitt Pen, Prismacolor Marker
Noise Pollution, City Science, EcoTarium
"Glass Window Tension Cable Detail" - Pitt Pen, Prismacolor Marker
Wiggly Window, City Science, EcoTarium
"Bus Stop" - Pitt Pen, Prismacolor Marker
Magnetic Neighborhood, City Science, EcoTarium
"Particle Size Penetration" - Pitt Pen, Prismacolor Marker, Staedtler Art Pen
How Clean is the Air?, City Science, EcoTarium
"Species Auditory Ranges" - Pitt Pen, Prismacolor Marker
(Temp Digital Reference Marks left for context)
Ultrasonic, City Science, EcoTarium
"Forces-Arch Bridge" - Pitt Pen, Prismacolor Marker
Bridges, City Science, EcoTarium
"World Map" - Pitt Pen, Prismacolor Marker
Maps as Models, City Science, EcoTarium
"House- Municipal Water Pipes" - Pitt Pen, Prismacolor Marker
Sewer Pipes, City Science, EcoTarium
"Place Houses" Directions Image - Pitt Pen
Turtles Eye View, City Science, EcoTarium
"Wood Plank Legs on Rubber Mat" Directions Image - Pitt Pen, Prismacolor Marker
Vibration Lab, City Science, EcoTarium
Example Illustrations in "Contour Natural," "Logographic," and "Expressive" styles
Black ink linework ranging from delicate textures to graphic boldness with gentle, natural colors in marker.
"Orange Sallow Moth" - Pitt Pen, Prismacolor Marker
EcoInvaders, City Science, EcoTarium
"Yellow Foxglove" - Pitt Pen, Prismacolor Marker
EcoInvaders, City Science, EcoTarium
"Great Blue Heron Identification" - Pitt Pen, Prismacolor Marker
What Comes Out At Night?, City Science, EcoTarium
"Wild Turkey Identification" - Pitt Pen, Prismacolor Marker
What Comes Out At Night?, City Science, EcoTarium
"Asian Longhorned Beetle" - Pitt Pen, Prismacolor Marker
EcoInvaders, City Science, EcoTarium
"Rat Skull Cranial Capacity" - Pitt Pen, Prismacolor Marker
Intelligent Rats, City Science, EcoTarium
"Rat Playing Basketball" - Pitt Pen, Prismacolor Marker
Intelligent Rats, City Science, EcoTarium
"Water Culvert" - Pitt Pen, Prismacolor Marker
Disappearing Plants, City Science, EcoTarium
"New England Wetlands" - Pitt Pen, Prismacolor Marker
Disappearing Plants, City Science, EcoTarium
Simplified shapes and bold, crisp lines; ideal for communication in signs and tight spaces
"Pipes" Section Logo
'City Systems' Interactives, City Science, EcoTarium
"Rat" Section Logo - Pitt Pen
'City Animals' Interactives, City Science, EcoTarium
"Look at the Tag" Directions Image- Pitt Pen
Best Nest, City Science, EcoTarium
"Please Put the Birds Back in the Box" Directions Image- Pitt Pen
Best Nest, City Science, EcoTarium
"Wind" Sound Clip Interactive Icon- Pitt Pen, Prismacolor Marker
Noise Pollution/ Neighborhood Soundscape, City Science, EcoTarium
"Urban Tag" Tray Label Icon - Pitt Pen, Prismacolor Marker
Magnetic Neighborhood, City Science, EcoTarium
"Manatee" Diagram Symbol - Digital
Cladistics, Fungus Grant, EcoTarium
"African Spotted Hyena" Diagram Symbol - Digital
Cladistics, Fungus Grant, EcoTarium
There remain infinite possible ways to stylize, playing with color and form to create expressive, artistic, or casual images. Artistic medium, digital editing, and chosen mood further afford variability to suit your needs.
"Arches" - Pitt Pen
'On the Grid,' Arts Worcester
"Clarissa" - Pitt Pen, Prismacolor Marker, Colored Pencil
"Muppet Nose" - Pitt Pen, Colored Pencil, Guoache Watercolor
"Playa Blanca 1" - Pitt Pen, Prismacolor Marker, Staedtler Art Pen
Playa Blanca, Guanacaste, Costa Rica
“Body + Mind” a piece about the tension between my body and self as a result of chronic illness; text reads, ‘My body and mind are no longer at war, but there are border skirmishes’- Prismacolor Marker, Staedtler Art Pen (piece is too large for the thin red line detail through the center to be visible in small online format)
"Inktober Day 25- Insect Witch" - Pitt Pen, Staedtler Art Pen
"Drawlloween Day 1- Ghost" - Pitt Pen, Prismacolor Marker, Staedtler Art Pen
"4th Anniversary Froyo" - Pitt Pen, Prismacolor Marker, Staedtler Art Pen
"Minerva" Character Sketch- Prismacolor Marker, Staedtler Art Pen
"Emu War of 1932" Stuff You Missed in History Class Podcast Episode Interpretation- Pitt Pen, Prismacolor Marker, Staedtler Art Pen
Explore past projects and follow along the stories of illustration, design, and problem solving
I served as the illustrator on the design team, responsible for creating 600 images used in signage, interactives, logos, murals, and directions. For exhibit components requiring tight integration of 2D and 3D design I created the sketches and 'thumbnail models' to serve as the basis for final design schematics.
EcoInvaders Sign "Orange Sallow Moth" & "Yellow Foxglove" - Pitt Pen, Prismacolor Marker
Wood Turtle Enclosure Sign "Wood Turtle Identification-Top View" - Pitt Pen, Prismacolor Marker
Wood Turtle Enclosure Sign "Wood Turtle Range" - Pitt Pen, Prismacolor Marker
Best Nest Interactive- Final build
Printed and constructed based on design sketches and scanned flat illustration panels; goal: create visible distinction between two 'habitats' while maintaining unity within the interactive and exhibit design contexts
Best Nest Interactive
Best Nest Test Illustrations- "Forest Habitat Background" & "City Habitat Background" - Pitt Pen, Prismacolor Marker
Best Nest Test Sketches- Pitt Pen, Prismacolor Marker
Best Nest Direction Image- "Look at the Bird's Tag- Pitt Pen
Best Nest Directions Image- "Please Put the Birds Back in the Box" - Pitt Pen
Best Nest Sign
Best Nest 16x16 "Invasive Example- Sparrow" - Pitt Pen, Prismacolor Marker
Best Nest 16x16 "Native Example- Red-Wing Blackbird" - Pitt Pen, Prismacolor Marker
Best Nest 16x16 "Pocket Park" - Pitt Pen, Prismacolor Marker
What Comes Out At Night? Interactive
What Comes Out At Night? Interactive Illustration- "Great Blue Heron Identification Image" - Pitt Pen, Prismacolor Marker
Used as a button within the interactive along with 15 other native species options
What Comes Out At Night? Sign
What Comes Out at Night? Sign Illustration - "Nocturnal- Coyote" - Pitt Pen, Prismacolor Marker
City Hot Zones Interactive
City Hot Zones Directions Panel
City Hot Zones Direction Image "Set Up a City" - Pitt Pen, Prismacolor Marker
City Hot Zones Directions Image "IR Image" - Prismacolor Marker
City Hot Zones Sign
City Hot Zones Sign "Tar Paper Roof" - Pitt Pen, Prismacolor Marker
City Hot Zones Sign "Highly Reflective and Green Roofs" - Pitt Pen, Prismacolor Marker
Noise Pollution Interactive
Noise Pollution Directions Image "Sit on Each Side to Play" - Pitt Pen
Noise Pollution Interactive Screen
Noise Pollution Interactive Image "Jaw Harp" - Pitt Pen, Prismacolor Marker
Noise Pollution Interactive Image "Surf" - Pitt Pen, Prismacolor Marker
Noise Pollution Sign
Noise Pollution Sign/ Interactive Image "Nice Sound" - Pitt Pen, Prismacolor Marker
Dust Detective Interactive
Dust Detective Directions Image "Look at the Sample on the Screen" - Pitt Pen
Dust Detectives Sign
Dust Detectives Sign "Dust Closeup" - Pitt Pen, Prismacolor Marker
Dust Detectives Sign "Dust Mite" - Pitt Pen, Prismacolor Marker
'Mapping it Out' Section Interactives Logo
'City Systems' Section Interactives Logo
'Changing Landscapes' Section Interactives Logo
Interactive Section Logo Rough Sketches - Pitt Pen
'City Animals' Interactives Section logo - Traced Vector Image by Designer from ink sketch
Created informational posters for nonprofit social service agency. As part of a print materials grant, I was tasked with creating informational posters to address specific compliance concerns for family child care providers new to America. Posters were created under an extremely tight timeline with the goal of an attractive poster respectful of multiple linguistic and cultural backgrounds.
"SIDS Prevention Do's and Don'ts" 24x36 Poster- Pitt Pen, Prismacolor Marker
FCC Posters, Dept. Health & Human Services Print Materials Grant, Ascentria Care Alliance
"Food Reimbursement Program Guidelines" 24x36 Poster- Pitt Pen, Prismacolor Marker
FCC Posters, Dept. Health & Human Services Print Materials Grant, Ascentria Care Alliance
Interactive Graphic Novel- In Process
Excerpt Test Pages from my Self-Determined Major Final Project, Women in Science, about the fossilist Mary Anning.
The image is a sketch of Mary Anning at work by Henry De la Beche (c1800s), intended to be included in the first page (next image)
"Page 01- Introduction" with space for De la Beche Illustration (previous image) - Pitt Pen, Prismacolor Marker, Staedtler Art Pen
Mary Anning, Women in Science, Self Determined Major Final Project
"Page 05- The Cliffs" with space for information flap - Pitt Pen, Prismacolor Marker, Staedtler Art Pen
The 'innocuous seaweed pile' was the intended location for a hidden panel, which would include information on smuggling as a common occurrence in Lyme Regis at the time and anecdote about Mary's nonchalant support of it.
Mary Anning, Women in Science, Self Determined Major Final Project
"Page 07- The Cliffs" continuing double page image- Pitt Pen, Prismacolor Marker, Staedtler Art Pen
Mary Anning, Women in Science, Self Determined Major Final Project
"Page 07- Ichthyosaur Discovery" - Pitt Pen, Prismacolor Marker, Staedtler Art Pen
Mary Anning, Women in Science, Self Determined Major Final Project